Thursday, February 19, 2009
Lose Weight After a Baby - Lose the Post Pregnancy Weight With These 3 Steps
Eat healthy during breastfeeding. Some of your calories are going to baby so if you eat healthy during this time you will start burning off some of the weight you gained. You do not want to alter your eating habits to much at this point as you need to be able to feed your baby the and maintain a healthy calorie intake for yourself.
Another option to start losing weight is to add a light, and I stress light cardio workout. You may not be up to it yet so don't push yourself, only do as much as you can handle. You may want to start with light walks or time on an elliptical. Consult your physician prior to starting an exercise regime.
Once you have stopped breastfeeding it is now time to change your diet. Do not go on a crash diet of any sort, these often deprive the body of some tings it needs at this time. A better option is to work towards building a healthy eating plan that focuses on proper nutrition and balance.
These steps will provide a great starting point on how to lose weight after baby. By eating properly and slowly integrating a workout program you will quickly burn of the post pregnancy weight.
List of Foods That Burn Belly Fat
Here are some of the foods that really burn belly fat fast:
Eggs are good sources of proteins and minerals needed to help the body burn fats faster. Some would disagree since they believe that eggs have high cholesterol content. This is indeed true! Yet, recent studies show that dietary fat and not the dietary cholesterol have great impact on blood cholesterol. That is the kind that needs to be avoided.
To be sure, you can take out the yolk. The vitamin B12 that can be found in egg whites are those that have high protein content.
Dairy Products
Remember that you just need dairy products that have low fat such as low fat milk and yogurt. You just need to take in average amount of these products to attain the best result. The plus factor is that these products can strengthen your bones.
The best thing to do with beans is to boil them raw then add a little amount of salt. It would taste good and it is better for your health that way. Bear in mind that just one serving will give you more than 10 grams of proteins.
Oatmeal contains lots of nutritional elements needed to help you lose weight due to the great amount of soluble fiber that will help out in flushing toxins out of your body. It is advisable to eat unflavored and unsweetened oatmeal; do not add sugar to sweeten it. Use fruits instead. Mango is good enough to sweeten your oatmeal.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is a certain type of fat that is beneficial to the body. It even helps you burn its fellow fats that are of no use to your body. Some would even prefer virgin olive oil instead of juice every day.
Whole Grains
Almost everyone switches to a "no-carb" diet. Actually, the body needs carbohydrates to be active. Just do not take in too much of them. Eat whole grains instead. Pasta can also be good if you would take in enough for your body to burn.
The most advisable meat to take if you are losing weight are turkey and beef. Choose the leanest part to eat. Salmon and tuna could also be added to the list of foods that burn belly fat.
Safest Diet Pill - Tips to Identify Safe & Effective Weight Loss Supplements
• There are two kinds of diet pills. Those that speed up metabolism and those that block the absorption of fat.
• The unsafe diet pills work on the metabolism by speeding it up unnaturally. The problem with these is that they interfere with a natural process externally. Moreover as soon as the dieter goes off pills the effect on the metabolism is reduced and it becomes lethargic once again.
• The diet pills that may be said to be safe are the ones that target the absorption of enzymes by the body. They block these enzymes from performing the task of converting the fat ingested into adipose tissue that deposits on the body.
• While the second kind of diet pills may be safer in comparison, these pills must be avoided as the sole alternative for effective weight loss. These pills should be used in moderation as after all even the safest diet pill does interfere with the natural processes of the body in helping weight loss.
For all those people who have been trying to get rid of their body fat for years on end the experience can be quite frustrating and diet pills are an Effective Weight Loss Supplement. But at the same time it is always advisable not to use diet pills in excess and not as a substitute for diet control and exercise. Moreover remember to take advice from a medical practitioner before you use diet pills as Safe & Effective Weight Loss Supplement.
Quick and Sustained weight loss is a combination of external and internal factors. The external factors of exercise and diet are of course helpful to lose weight. But you need to equally focus on internal factors of boosting your metabolism and keep yourself motivated to loose weight.
How to Lose Weight With Protein and Fats
1. Snacking ain't bad, but check your snacks closely: If you thought that snacking in between meals is not favorable for weight loss, you couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, experts actually recommend snacking in-between meals as it is a good way to keep yourself full at all times. If you are hungry, you are more likely to gorge on junk and fatty foods than otherwise.
However, you need to make sure that the snacks you are eating are not unhealthy. It is easy to see the difference between a carrot or an apple and a packet of chips; the former is healthy and the latter is not. While chips would add more unwanted pounds to your body, apple would help you burn those fat deposits. Now you know which snacks to go for and which ones to avoid, right?
2. Choose the right fats: Fat is not all bad, as some think. Cutting down drastically on your fat intake may affect your health negatively, while on the other hand consuming fat in the form of junk and fatty foods would make you overweight.
As a matter of fact, there are two types of fats out there: the saturated or 'bad' fat and the unsaturated or 'good' fat. Saturated fats are available in plenty in junk foods, and they do nothing except expanding your body in inches and pounds. On the other hand, unsaturated fats found in canola and olive oils keep your body healthy.
Needless to say, you should prefer unsaturated fats over the saturated ones; unsaturated fats can also be found in fishes such as salmon and tuna.
3. Choose protein over sugar: Do you eat sugary foods simply to become more energetic? Here is the real truth about sugar: while it provides you a sudden outburst of energy, that energy lasts only for a temporary period, after which you feel fatigued and hungry all over again. What follows next is gorging on more sugar-rich foods like a hungry wolf.
And the fun part is that the more sugary foods you eat, the hungrier you feel. And do you know what does sugar do once it gets inside your body? It immediately converts itself first into glucose and then fat.
Here is a better and healthier way to gain the same amount of energy: eat protein-rich foods. Protein would help you burn fat by building muscles, and the more fat you burn, the more energetic you become. Foods such as lean chicken meat and eggs are rich in protein; I usually have eggs for breakfast and chicken for dinner.
Acai Berry Weight Loss - Why is Acai Berry So Effective For Weight Loss?
• A medicine cabinet filled with diet supplements that don't work
• Hundreds of dollars wasted on diet supplement a year
• Weight that you did not lose
• And most importantly a sense of failure.
Empty out your medicine cabinets. You only need room for one diet supplement Acai Berry. Sure, you've heard of Acai Berry weight loss; but, what you might not know is what makes this diet so effective in weight loss.
There are many unique factors that make this diet so effective:
• Ability to increase metabolism rate- which in return helps dieter burn fat and lose weight more efficiently and faster. Also since the lost pounds are calories consumed, they do not comes back easily. It is able to do this because it contains a drastic amount of antioxidants, much more than common fruits found in your local grocery store.
• Ability to improve immune system, improve blood pressure, cholesterol and fight cancer- The large level of antioxidants produced by the berry and the bodies fatty acids combined are found to be powerful tools to fight against infections.
• Ability to help control appetite- Acai Berry diets, such as diet bars and shakes can be used as a healthy and nutritional meal supplement. Not to mention, the enzymes and antioxidants are used to control appetite.
What other weight loss supplement can offer dieters these benefits?
Diet Soda's Dirty Secret
Well, the answer to those questions (in order) are: It's not, not by much, and no way!
Let's get this straight right now. Diet soda is not good for you. No matter how you want to look at it, it's still a drink that will not help you and might just kill you.
I'm not going to sound any alarms but there are some experts who claim the artificial sweeteners and the other chemicals in diet soda lead to cancer and other life-threatening diseases. While science hasn't actually proven any of this (yet), it's still not a good idea to ingest anything that the science world feels the need to conduct such tests on. I mean, look how long it took before we KNEW smoking was bad for us.
This brings us to the whole thing about diet soda being better for you than regular soda. It probably is. In fact, it certainly has less calories and that's a good thing. But saying that diet soda is better for you than regular soda is kinda like a saying getting hit with a brick is better than getting hit by a Mack truck. If given the choice, I'd take neither, thank you.
Finally, so many people think diet soda is good for losing weight because the word "diet" is in the title. Well, there is still the other word "soda" in the title. And just about everyone knows soda is bad for you. If it wasn't then you'd see everyone at the gym walking around with a bottle of soda in their hand. (That makes me chuckle for some reason.)
But "diet" is still in the title, and that causes way too much confusion. Yet people aren't confused by other things that could be confusing. For example, I have a cinnamon apples candle at home and I've never thought to eat it. As far as I know, no one else has either. Yet it has a yummy fruit and a tasty spice right in it's name. Why is there no problem here yet such confusion over the word "diet"?
Anyway, I digress. Diet soda is not diet and it will not help you lose weight. In fact, studies have shown that any kind of soda - regular or diet - leads to obesity.
And that really is diet soda's dirty little secret. It's not good for you. In fact, it's bad for you. It's especially bad for you if you're trying to lose weight. So, stop buying into the dirty secret and grab a glass of juice or a glass of good ole fashioned water.
Burning Belly & Body Fat the Safest Way - Why Starving is Always Not a Good Idea
Some people think there is a miracle pill that would lose those unwanted fat fast or some think that starving their selves will help in burning belly and fat the fastest way. According to experts there are two fast ways of losing fat in your body. Starving is not a good idea and shouldn't be an option at all. Your body needs all the nutrients and vitamins it needs from food to survive. Hence, eating the right kind of food together with the right exercise would make you lose your body fat. Here are a few healthy tips you can follow:
Go vegetarian. But if you really can't, eat meat sparingly. Stop eating that fat clinging to that lean portion. If you happen to like chicken don't eat the skin. Eat white portion of eggs only.
Modify your cooking. Boil, grill or stir fry instead of deep frying using the smallest amount of vegetable cooking oil (soybean, canola, olive or corn).
Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Drink unsweetened tea, coffee without the cream and a substitute sweetener. Green tea is best.
Allow yourself 4-5 eating sessions a day only namely, breakfast (a full meal), lunch (a half meal), supper (one fourth meals or none at all) and two tiny snacks in between. No other food should reach your mouth at any other time except during those 4-5 eating sessions. However, if you feel your stomach grumbling in between drink plain cold water.
Give away all those candies, gums, chocolate, cookies that are stashed in your bag, drawer, pocket or wherever you have kept them. It would be easy to get hold of them and pop them in your mouth. Remove that bowl of candies from your desk, replace them with nutritious fruits like Acai berries or apples instead.
No booze. That is a must if burning belly and body fat the fastest way is your main goal. Alcohol contains lots of calories apart from eating it with something that adds more calories.
Methods to Rapidly Loss Weight - Top 3 Processes That Yield the Best Results!
Hollywood celebrities serve as mirrors of modern day living. Many would wonder how they maintain their beautiful body contours that are really to die for. As a result, more people are getting conscious on how they look. Different commercialized diets popped out. Certainly these companies took advantage of the influence of celebrity endorsers resulting to sky rocketing sales without proven results. But what is really the most effective way to losing weight? Methods to rapidly loss weight will be discussed in this article.
You have tried everything from South Beach to Atkins but nothing seems to work. Here are top 3 processes that you should follow to yield the best outcome.
Diet modification, together with a controlled and smart eating; the conventional way is still the most effective. Experts recommend eating at least 5-6 small portions of meal a day to help control your hunger pangs. For instance, instead of munching on junk foods, why not eat celery sticks or baby carrots; a much healthier choice of snack without worrying about the calorie. Consuming lesser calories than what you should without compromising nutrition will give positive results.
Do regular exercise daily to increase metabolism. The best way to jump start your metabolism is by doing exercise. Daily exercise will help reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. Do a burst of 10-15 minutes exercise within the day to keep your metabolism pumped up.
Lastly, always be consistent, be committed. Commitment is the key in your weight loss success. The common problem with people who are trying to lose weight is most of them are not consistent. The moment you decide to lose weight, you should commit and stick to it. Being consistent and committed to your goal will help you ensure you are on the right track.
Remember that "You are what you eat". Eating smartly accompanied by exercise and consistency will help you drop those pounds in no time. These methods to rapidly loss weight are definitely the most effective way of keeping off those pounds. Now you are on your way to a healthier and leaner body.
A Healthy and Natural Way of Losing Weight - The Foods That You Should & Shouldn't Eat
Our health is one of the main concerns in our society during this time and date. Lack of exercise, improper diet, stress at work and pollution all contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. Being overweight is on such health problem that puts us in an increased risk of having high blood pressure, heart disease and other illnesses.
Losing weight reduces these risks. There are many ways to help us lose weight, from fad diets to over the counter drugs, but there are healthier and more natural ways of losing weight.
Eating foods that are high in fiber is a healthy and natural way of losing weight, fiber foods such as oats and cereals, help us reduce high cholesterol, high blood sugar, obesity even colon cancer and heart disease. A list of high fiber foods are apples, bananas, raisins, strawberries, broccoli, carrots, and potatoes...the list just goes on.
Another great way to a healthy and natural way to lose weight is by eating plenty of vegetables. Vegetables have one or more of the essential vitamins, minerals and other plant chemicals that are known to provide great health benefits. Vegetables are low in fat and calories, a good source of fiber and give us our much needed energy and vitality in our day to day activities.
Eating less sugar and drinking less alcohol is also to a healthy and natural way of losing weight or extra pounds. By watching what you eat, you can control your calorie intakes. You should always look for foods that are low in fat, low in calories and low in sodium, high in fiber and have a high nutrient content.
We must take good care of our body and health, think about your long term, in the long run, we are the ones that will gain thru our little sacrifices, and it is but a small thing to do, with no price to pay, to eat right and stay fit.
How to Lose Weight? Change Your Habits
How common a story is this? Millions of people go on a diet every year and nearly all of them put the weight back on again. The $61 billion diet industry must be rubbing its hands with glee! It begs the question as to whether they want people to lose weight permanently?
So, how to lose weight? The first thing to remember is that diets don't deliver permanent weight loss. If you're happy with short-term weight loss, if you don't mind the weight coming back again, then fine, go on another diet. If you're happy to pop pills, then go ahead. Pill popping produces the same result as a diet. If you are thinking about popping pills, I'd think long and hard about what you're going to do. Do you know what the side-effects are? Do you know if people have suffered any long-term effects? Taking any sort of pill needs very careful consideration.
The fact is that if you want to lose weight permanently you have got to make change. Carry on in the same old way and you'll stay the same forever. No diet or pill is a substitute for getting to the root cause of your weight problem.
The first thing you have to do is to get rid of the habits that make you fat. What are they? Write down what you think they are. Get feedback from friends about what they think about your eating and lifestyle habits.
Making change is all about learning new habits, slim habits. If you learn new habits you will be able to make change and be able to enjoy a slim, diet free life...good for your health, healthy for your wallet!
How I Personally Used These Tips to Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days
How would it be to start losing weight today? What if I told you that you could get great results in the next 7 days? Getting results in the first week is crucial to your weight loss success. Most people give up after the first week because they don't see the results they want. I am going to share with you a few things you can do to get results instantly. The best part of it all is that these tips don't require a lot of work.
Weight Loss Tip #1-
The first step is to create a healthy environment. What I mean by this is to create an environment that will help your weight loss success. It doesn't help to have your favorite junk food just an arm length away. You'll never lose weight if you don't get rid of the distractions and temptations around you.
Weight Loss Tip #2-
The next tip is to make healthier choices. You can do this by using a little common sense. I am sure you know what is healthy for your body and what isn't. Instead of drinking your favorite soda it's time to substitute it for water. Water will give you more energy anyway. I understand that you might be busy and you have to go the fast food route for lunch. Instead of getting a greasy double cheese burger opt for the grilled chicken instead. By making a conscious effort to weed out the bad food choices you'll start losing weight.
Weight Loss Tip #3-
The last tip is to live a more active lifestyle. I am not asking you to go out and get a gym membership and workout for 2 hours each day. However, if you don't get active in your life you'll never lose weight. The fat on your belly doesn't just magically fall off. Start making choices that promote an active lifestyle. This means that you take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you can, start riding your bike to work. Find a hobby that burns calories like basketball.