Weight Loss? It's Easy.

Ideal Weight Calculator

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Note: these calculations are based on averages, AND assumes you are at least 60 inches or five feet tall.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How I Personally Used These Tips to Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days

How would it be to start losing weight today? What if I told you that you could get great results in the next 7 days? Getting results in the first week is crucial to your weight loss success. Most people give up after the first week because they don't see the results they want. I am going to share with you a few things you can do to get results instantly. The best part of it all is that these tips don't require a lot of work.

Weight Loss Tip #1-
The first step is to create a healthy environment. What I mean by this is to create an environment that will help your weight loss success. It doesn't help to have your favorite junk food just an arm length away. You'll never lose weight if you don't get rid of the distractions and temptations around you.

Weight Loss Tip #2-
The next tip is to make healthier choices. You can do this by using a little common sense. I am sure you know what is healthy for your body and what isn't. Instead of drinking your favorite soda it's time to substitute it for water. Water will give you more energy anyway. I understand that you might be busy and you have to go the fast food route for lunch. Instead of getting a greasy double cheese burger opt for the grilled chicken instead. By making a conscious effort to weed out the bad food choices you'll start losing weight.

Weight Loss Tip #3-
The last tip is to live a more active lifestyle. I am not asking you to go out and get a gym membership and workout for 2 hours each day. However, if you don't get active in your life you'll never lose weight. The fat on your belly doesn't just magically fall off. Start making choices that promote an active lifestyle. This means that you take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you can, start riding your bike to work. Find a hobby that burns calories like basketball.

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